Understanding the Impacter Pathway Teacher Dashboard

Navigating the Class Snapshot Tab


Last Update 2 maanden geleden

The Impacter Pathway Teacher Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to provide educators with valuable insights into their students' progress and performance within the platform. Upon logging into impacterpathway.com, the initial landing point is the "Class Snapshot" tab, a central location for monitoring student work across various courses.

Exploring the Class Snapshot Tab

Upon entering the Class Snapshot tab, you will encounter a user-friendly interface that offers a holistic view of your students' accomplishments for each enrolled course. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect to find and how to navigate through this tab:

At the top right-hand corner of the page, you can choose the specific course you wish to assess by using the course selection tool. This allows you to focus on the lessons and assignments associated with that particular course.

Moving down the page, you'll encounter a lesson overview at the top. This feature provides a quick and accessible view of all the lessons within the selected course, enabling you to effortlessly navigate through lessons to gauge the overall progress of your students.

Below the lesson overview, you'll find a list of students along with symbols representing their progress for each respective lesson. A green checkmark indicates that the student has completed the lesson, an orange circle signifies that they've started but not completed the lesson, and a gray circle implies that they haven't begun the lesson yet.

Clicking on any lesson or assignment directs you to the "Individual Progress" tab, where you can delve deeper and inspect an individual student's work for that assignment.

Another valuable feature, the "Activity View," allows for a more granular examination of each individual lesson and the activities within them. This view provides insights into the completion status for each activity within a lesson.

Utilizing the Class Snapshot for Effective Monitoring

The Class Snapshot tab within the Impacter Pathway Teacher Dashboard is a powerful tool that allows educators to effortlessly monitor student progress and achievements. It provides a comprehensive and organized view of student accomplishments, aiding teachers in identifying areas for improvement and tailoring their teaching strategies to guide their students toward success within the Impacter Pathway platform.

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