Teacher Dashboard: Individual Progress


Last Update 2 bulan yang lalu

When you log into impacterpathway.com and access the Impacter Pathway Teacher Dashboard, you'll come across various tabs, each serving a specific purpose. One of these tabs, the 'Individual Progress' tab, is particularly crucial, offering detailed insights into the progress and performance of each student using the platform.

The Layout and Features of the Individual Progress Tab

As you enter the 'Individual Progress' tab, you'll encounter a sleek interface designed to provide comprehensive student progress insights. Here's a breakdown of the key features and how they enhance the understanding of a student's academic journey:

Student and Course Filtering:

Located in the top left-hand corner, this feature allows you to select a specific student for analysis and choose the course you wish to review. It helps in focusing on a particular student's work within a selected course.

Impacter Potential Score and Report:

The Impacter Potential Score, ranging from 200 to 800, serves as a quantitative measure evaluating a student's potential to make an impact within the Impacter Pathway curriculum. The accompanying Impacter Potential Report offers a detailed view of a student's performance, highlighting areas of strength within the 8 Impacter competencies and providing a comparison of the student's impact potential relative to their peers.

Recent Student Reflection and Transcripts:

Displaying the most recent video reflection recorded by the student, this feature offers insights into the student's thoughts and reflections. The Student Reflection Transcripts provide a textual representation of the student's reflection, aiding in a quick understanding of their thoughts and reflections.

Top Level Statistics:

These statistics, including course completion, hours spent impacting, words written, videos uploaded, words spoken, and activities completed, offer an overview of the student's engagement and productivity.

Course Progress Accordion:

This feature allows a detailed review of a student's individual work for each assignment, including viewing recorded student responses, reading transcripts, and assessing various question responses.

Pre- and Post-Assessment Reports:

These reports provide a before-and-after comparison of a student's diagnostic report and post-assessment report, offering insights into their growth after completing the course.

Making the Most of the Individual Progress Tab

The Individual Progress tab in the Impacter Pathway Teacher Dashboard serves as a vital tool for educators. It allows for a comprehensive understanding of each student's academic journey within the platform. By analyzing Impacter Potential Scores, student reflections, and progress across various assignments and assessments, teachers can tailor their guidance and support. This tab empowers educators to celebrate strengths, identify areas for growth, and provide personalized assistance, fostering an environment conducive to optimal learning and growth for every student.

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